USA no longer fattest country… suck it, Mexico!


Awesome news from the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization today, announcing that another country has passed the US for biggest fat assery: Mexico. No longer perched on top of obese mountain, the United States has fallen to second behind our neighbor to the south, whose urban lifestyle, rising income levels and delicious Sopapillas have earned it the title of fattest developed nation.


From Yahoo! News:

Nearly a third of Mexican adults (32.8 percent) are considered obese—people aged 20 and older whose body mass index (BMI) is 30 and above. That edges out the United States, where 31.8 percent of American adults are considered obese. Syria at 31.6 percent, is the third fattest among developed countries, while Venezuela and Libya are tied for fourth at 30.8 percent.


“The same people who are malnourished are the ones who are becoming obese,” Abelardo Avila, a physician with Mexico’s National Nutrition Institute, told the Global Post. “In the poor classes we have obese parents and malnourished children. The worst thing is the children are becoming programmed for obesity. It’s a very serious epidemic.”



Hell yeah it is! And with Syria just .2% behind the US there’s a really good chance America could continue to fall further as the rest of the world gets progressively fatter. Sure, roughly 1 in 3 people in the US are considered medically obese, but in the future when someone says, “hey, who’s that fat guy over there?” people are going to assume it’s a Mexican first.




Better news? If you count the entire world and not just developed nations the US falls even further… completely off the top ten in fact. Citizens of American Samoa  weigh in with an impressive 95% of their population considered medically obese, and Nauru, a South Pacific island, boasts and impressive 71.1% obesity level.


What’s considered obese you might say? People with a BMI of over 30% are considered obese… in weight terms if you’re an average male sized 5 feet, 10 inches and you weigh 210 pounds or more, you may be considered medically obese. Now, that doesn’t necessarily translate to being unhealthy, but it’s a decent indicator.


But hey, screw all that… suck it Mexico! USA! USA! USA!



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